
Natural Ways to Deter Iguanas from Your Property

Living in a warm climate often comes with the perk of sharing your space with unique wildlife. However, iguanas, while fascinating creatures, can become unwelcome visitors when they target your property. These green giants can damage landscaping, devour prized plants, and leave unsightly droppings. This article explores natural deterrents to keep iguanas at bay, helping you reclaim your outdoor oasis.

Why Iguanas Target Your Property

Several factors can attract iguanas to your property:

  • Food Source: Landscaping with fruits, vegetables, and flowering plants readily available can be a feeding invitation for iguanas. They have a particular fondness for hibiscus, bougainvillea, and succulent plants.
  • Basking Spots: Iguanas are cold-blooded and require warm areas to regulate their body temperature. Patios, decks, and rock formations might be seen as ideal basking spots.
  • Shelter: Dense vegetation, brush piles, and gaps under structures can provide iguanas with a sense of security and protection from predators.

Creating an Uninviting Environment

Here are some natural strategies to deter iguanas from feeling welcome:

  • Plant Wisely: Choose plants less appealing to iguanas. Opt for native, non-fruiting, and spiky or thorny varieties. Rosemary, lantana, and oleander (be aware – toxic to humans and pets) are generally less preferred by iguanas.
  • Citrus Power: Iguanas dislike the strong scent of citrus fruits. Strategically place sliced lemons, oranges, or grapefruit peels around your property. Reapply regularly as the scent fades.
  • Spicy Solutions: Hot pepper sprays made with cayenne pepper or habanero peppers can be effective deterrents. However, caution is advised, as these sprays can irritate pets and beneficial wildlife. Consider spot application on perimeter fences or targeted areas.
  • Coffee Grounds: The strong smell of used coffee grounds can be unpleasant for iguanas. Sprinkle grounds around the base of vulnerable plants or create small perimeter barriers. Remember to refresh the grounds as they lose their potency.
  • Aluminum Foil: The crinkly sound and reflective surface of aluminum foil can startle iguanas. Strategically place strips of foil around gardens or vulnerable areas.

Making Your Property Less Appealing

Altering your landscaping can discourage iguanas from making themselves at home:

  • Clear Brush and Debris: Eliminate brush piles, overgrown vegetation, and debris that could provide hiding spots for iguanas. A well-maintained yard offers fewer hiding places.
  • Trim Low-Hanging Branches: Iguanas use branches to access rooftops and other elevated areas. Trim tree branches away from your house to limit access points.
  • Eliminate Basking Spots: Remove potential basking areas like rocks or large stones close to your house or garden. Provide shade over patios or decks to deter iguanas from using them for sunbathing.
  • Fence it In: While a significant undertaking, erecting a physical barrier can be an effective long-term solution. Choose a fence material appropriate for the size and climbing abilities of iguanas in your region.

When Natural Solutions Fall Short

While natural deterrents can be effective, there might be situations where professional intervention is necessary:

  • Severe Infestation: If you’re facing a large or persistent iguana population, consider consulting Iguana removal services. Professionals have the expertise and tools to safely and humanely remove iguanas from your property.
  • Co-Existing with Wildlife: Remember, iguanas are part of the local ecosystem. If complete removal isn’t your goal, a professional termite control company can advise on humane co-existence strategies.


Living alongside wildlife can be enriching. By implementing natural deterrents and habitat modifications, you can create a less hospitable environment for iguanas, encouraging them to find food and shelter elsewhere. Remember, respect for wildlife is key. If natural solutions prove insufficient, consider professional help that prioritizes both iguana removal and humane practices. Enjoy your outdoor haven with the confidence that you’ve taken steps to discourage unwanted guests while respecting the natural world around you.

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